How do you educate healthcare employees to stop ransomware?
The last thing a healthcare CIO wants to hear is that their organization is a victim of ransomware… educate healthcare employees to stop ransomware

Educate healthcare employees to stop ransomware
At least 10 hospitals in the United States have been hit with ransomware. Ransomware is a type of malicious software created to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid. And just because you pay the ransom don’t expect your data back! There have been instances where the ransom was paid but the information was not unlocked!
Hollywood Presbyterian made international headlines after paying a $17,000 ransom to unlock critical data.
Hospitals are a favorite target of hackers due to the sensitive data compromised. Most hospitals are dependent on computers and networks for day-to-day operations. Hackers know the effect they have on hospitals and the panic it causes. Hackers know this can mean life or death to some patients, and they use that as leverage.
Our security training courses will educate healthcare employees to stop ransomware and malware. Employees will learn to recognize when cyber criminals are trying to get into the network. Training also decreases the chances that patient files will be encrypted with ransomware. Employees learn ransomware basics and how to prevent attacks through email security.
How Hospitals Can Educate Healthcare Employees to Stop Ransomware
When ransomware hit MedStar, the company shut down most of the network to prevent the malware from spreading. Health-care professionals were not able to access email, schedule surgeries or make appointments. The hospital was forced to use paper records for communication and scheduling.
For hospitals, the best prevention is education. Employee security awareness training is the key. Teach your employees to recognize phishing and ransomware techniques. Protect your network by teaching employees about phishing emails and to not click on links!
Ransomware in the News